Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to Make a Video Screenshot (Cara bikin video screenshot)

Have any favourite video? Want images from a singer or actor with his/her act pose in the video clip?
You can just simply make a screenshot from your video... It's so easy you see... And much easier if you are using Windows7.
But first, I will explain how to make it with Windows XP OS, cause there's a change that you should make before you can take any screenshot from your video.

Punya video kesukaan? Pengen punya image dari penyanyi ato artis dengan gaya video klipnya?
Bikin screenshot aja dari videomu... Caranya gampang ko... Apalagi kalo udah pake Windows7.
Tapi pertama aku mau jelasin dulu buat yang OSnya pake Windows XP karena agak ribet.

The steps are/Langkah-langkahnya adalah:
  1. Right click on the desktop and select "Properties." Click on "Settings" and then "Advanced." Click "Troubleshooting" and under "Hardware Acceleration," select "None." Klik kanan di desktop, pilih properties. Klik settings lalu klik advanced. Klik troubleshooting, dan di bawah Hardware Acceleration pilih None.
  2. Begin playback of the video you want to capture. Play until you are at the frame you want to grab and then pause the video. Putar video yang mau dibikin screenshotnya. Mainkan sampai frame yang mau kamu ambil lalu pause videonya. (Saran: langkah ini enaknya pake Real Player)
  3. Press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. The image on your screen has now been saved to the clipboard. Tekan tombol Print Screen/PRTSC SYSRQ di keyboardmu. Image yang ada di layar sekarang udah di save di clipboard.
  4. Open a graphics editor. Use MS paint, Photoshop, Paint Shop or whatever program you use to create images. Open a blank document if the program doesn't have a "Paste as New" option. Buka Grafik Editor. Gunakan MS Paint, Photoshop atau program apa pun yang kamu gunakan untuk membuat image. Buka dokumen baru dengan format blank jika program tersebut tidak punya opsi Paste as New.
  5. Paste the screen capture into a new image. Press "CTRL - V" or choose "Edit > Paste New." Paste image yang tadi udah di copy ke image yang baru. Tekan CTRL+V atau pilih Edit->Paste New.
  6. Crop your image. Use the Crop tool to isolate the video. Potong imagemu. Gunakan Crop tool untuk mengisolasi video.
  7. Save your video screenshot. Simpan screenshotmu.
  8. For Windows7 user just skip step1. Untuk pengguna Windows7, langkah1 dilewat aja.
  • To avoid the need for cropping, view the video in full screen. Untuk menghindari perlunya proses crop, lihat video di mode full screen.
  • On Macintosh computers, simply run the Image Capture application. Untuk komputer Macintosh, langsung jalankan saja aplikasi Image Capture.
  • Don't forget to set your hardware acceleration back to normal after taking your screenshot. Jangan lupa merubah kembali pengaturan Hardware Acceleration sesudah kamu selesai mengambil screenshot.
  • Don't copy anything else to the clipboard before pasting the screenshot. Jangan mengcopy apa pun pada clipboard sebelum kamu paste screenshotnya.
See? So easy right? Just give it a try... ^^

Source:  How to Make a Video Screenshot |

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