Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jager's Walk

Tony and I are usually out and about together but yesterday while he was at gym, I took myself to Jager's Walk, otherwise known as the Cat Walk, and as it was a beautiful day, lingered lazily on one of the many benches scattered all over the walk.

I watched the ocean, and listened to its hypnotizing voice, feeling the wind, breathing, being, and the sea became familiar, like an old friend that has always been a part of me and I it.

 I sat there a long time, quietly, peacefully, and absorbed it all while sinking into the mystery.
I silently celebrated the luxury of having time and being able to be part of this truly inspiring scene. 

I walked to the end of Jager's and up the steps which cross the road to see the views from there. The area is called Sunny Cove and it is built up with all types of houses on the mountainside. It's a very pretty, quaint sight and at night when the lights go on, it has a particular magic.

The train runs next to the ocean while it winds its way to Simonstown and when it goes past, it rattles one's heart as it is so close. Somtimes people hang out the windows and wave at all the walkers on Jagers. It always feels friendly, fun and warm.  

Fish Hoek is surrounded by mountains and these are the ones on the North West side of the village, incorporating Chapman's Peak. Lovely to live in a valley where the mountains feel like great protectors all around you.
I had tea at the little bistro on the beach and had fun watching people, and then it was time to meet Tony.
Feeling light-hearted and happy I toddled off to walk to the gym.

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